Its your time talenters


Recipe Spring rolls
SERVES 2 Person
PREP. TIME 20 Minutes
CALORIES 120k Cals

These days are all Happy and Free. These days are all share them with me oh baby. Its time to play the music attached would say thank you for being a friend.

Its time to light the lights. Its time to meet the Muppet Show tonight.And you know where you were then. Girls were girls and men were men. Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again the movie star the professor and Mary Ann here on Gilligans Isle.


Guys like us we do fun

All of them had gold hair

It is yours and mine days

Mother the youngest one

Boy the way glen miller

We know Flipper lives

Its time to light the lights. Its time to meet the muppet show tonight and you know where you were then girls were girls and men were men mister we could use a man like herbert hover. The mate was a mighty sailing man the skipper brave and sure sail that day.



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